
public class CameraController : UIViewController

The CameraController can take photos with low UI latency and Vine style video while also applying realtime filters. Filters can be applied by swiping left or right in the camera view, or by pressing the filters button. The filters can be changed with the primaryFilters variable.

Figure 1 Camera controller


This controller is used inside the ContainerController and can be used on its own by initializing the container controller with only one mode .photo or .video.

The camera can be restricted to produce only content of a specific aspect ratio. For example square content:

container.cameraController.aspectRatio = CGSize(width: 1, height: 1)

By default, the camera controller pushes an EditController onto the navigation stack after a photo or video is taken. This can be disabled by setting showsEditControllerWhenDone to false. You will also need to implement the CameraControllerDelegate in order to respond the cameraController(_:didFinishWithSession:) delegate method.

Handling Controller Events

  • Set this delegate in order to handle events that occur in this controller.

    Default value: nil



    public weak var delegate: CameraControllerDelegate?
  • Set this to false if you do not want the EditController pushed onto the navigation stack after the user takes a photo or presses the Done button after taking a video.

    You can push your own controller or dismiss this controller in the cameraController(_:didFinishWithSession:) delegate method.

    Default value: true



    public var showsEditControllerWhenDone: Bool

Controlling Camera State

  • Set this to true if you want the flash enabled.

    Default value: false



    public var flashActive: Bool { get set }
  • Set this to true if you want the front facing camera enabled or to false if you want the back facing camera enabled.

    Default value: false



    public var frontFacingCameraActive: Bool { get set }
  • Set this to true if you want the brightness slider to be visible.

    Default value: false



    public var brightnessAdjustmentActive: Bool { get set }

User Interaction

  • When true, if the device is held horizontally with the screen face up, the mode pictured below will appear.

    Face up mode

    Default value: true



    public var faceUpModeAvailable: Bool
  • When true, the user may double tap anywhere inside the camera view to switch between the front and back facing camera.

    Default value: true



    public var doubleTapForFrontFacingCamera: Bool { get set }

UI Components

  • These are the buttons at the top of the camera. The buttons will also be displayed in the order provided here.

    Default value: [.cross, .reverse, .brightness, .square, .flash]



    public var controlButtons: [CameraControlButton] { get set }
  • Optionally provide a custom view for the photo camera button. Your view must determine its own size with intrinsic content size or constraints.

    Default value: nil



    public var photoCameraButtonView: UIView? { get set }
  • Optionally provide a custom view for the video camera button. Your view must determine its own size with intrinsic content size or constraints.

    Default value: nil



    public var videoCameraButtonView: UIView? { get set }

Controlling Content Ratio

  • Set this if you want to force the camera controller to produce content in a specific aspect ratio.

    For example square: CGSize(width: 1, height: 1)

    Or the same ratio as vertical 1080p video: CGSize(width: 1080, height: 1920) or CGSize(width: 9, height: 16)

    When set with a value, the .square button in the controlButtons will be hidden.

    Default value: nil



    public var aspectRatio: CGSize? { get set }

Capture Settings

  • The session preset for video capture.

    Default value: .high



    public var videoPreset: AVCaptureSession.Preset { get set }
  • A closure that returns newly allocated photo settings for photo capture.

    If you wish to enable or disable flash, set the flashActive variable.

    Default value:

        let photoSettings = AVCapturePhotoSettings()
        photoSettings.isAutoStillImageStabilizationEnabled = true
        photoSettings.isHighResolutionPhotoEnabled = true
        return photoSettings



    public var photoSettings: () -> (AVCapturePhotoSettings) { get set }


  • Use aspectRatio instead to enable square camera.

    Default value: false



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "Only set aspectRatio now. This variable is no longer needed.")
    public var squareCameraActive: Bool { get set }